The Promia Raven units are now deployed to protect University Bank’s IT networks and University Bank’s Mercury Message global secure instant messaging network ( Coordinated with this deployment has been onsite training of University Bank technical personnel for the use and operation of this new product.

Promia Raven 1100 is a hardened appliance that provides accurate and consistent detection, validation, and blocking response to internally and externally generated network and host computer intrusions. The devices connect together in a global grid allowing analysts real-time and forensic views of network activity in all sites. This allows active defense and protection of IT networks against hostile attacks such as denial of service or other hacking attempts. Promia Ravens identify the newest emerging threats and often protect IT assets against advanced attacks that are unseen by other cyber security devices.

Promia Raven also enables comprehensive asset monitoring and management with the ability to detect and report on devices, computers or applications that are not operating as expected. For example, the Promia Raven can predict hard drive failure in advance. The Asset Viewer 3-D tool allows operators to ‘fly’ through the inside of the network viewing aspects of all connected assets, warping from University Bank facility to University Bank facility through router connections. This allows review and diagnosis of entire networks.

John Mullen, president and CEO of Promia, said: We are proud of our record protecting the US Navy’s networks from network intrusion and the various forms of IP attacks. The deployment of Promia Ravens at University Bank’s two data centers is our first commercial deployment outside the defense world of our industry leading products.