Under the terms of the deal, ROO will roll out its video players across all of Universal Music UK’s major sites, which includes its portfolio of label sites such as Mercury Island, UCJ and Polydor Records, and a multitude of artist sites that will all feature full-screen viewing capabilities.

The partnership will enable Universal Music UK to commercialize its digital offering and launch new revenue channels through services such as creative advertising solutions, the distribution and promotion of streamed content, downloads and sponsorship opportunities.

As part of the agreement, ROO will develop a raft of new online services and capabilities for Universal Music UK to drive incremental revenue.

The TV portals will be powered by the ROO Video Exchange platform, allowing Universal Music to manage its video content strategy in-house, while also delivering full backend hosting, uploading, encoding and streaming of video assets.

Music labels have constantly had to explore new revenue opportunities and business models during the digital revolution, and the exploitation of video content online is a key opportunity, said Tony Martin, senior vice president ROO Europe. ROO will help Universal Music to maximize its existing content, and drive the development of new services that will position it as an essential resource for its online community.