Individual employees are able to assess their anticipated or typical use of various health care services and select the level of out-of-pocket expenses, including annual deductible, co-insurance and co-pays, to create a more personalized health plan that more closely reflects their specific health and financial needs. Through a secure web page, employees have up to three values to choose from each benefit category as they build a total benefits package. Dental and vision plans are also available.

In addition, Total Choice Plans streamline administrative processes for employers. For example, employee self-service and online transactions may potentially reduce paperwork and the number of routine questions human resources personnel often receive.

Ken Burdick, CEO of UnitedHealthcare, said: With UnitedHealthcare’s Total Choice Plans, employers can offer their employees meaningful choices and engage employees in making positive health care decisions. Evidence suggests that engaged consumers seek information to help them make more informed personal choices about their care and make greater strides in improving their overall health.