Airborne communications provider Aircell’s Gogo inflight internet service will turn United’s p.s. aircraft into flying Wi-Fi hotspots, enabling customers to surf the web, check e-mail, instant message and access corporate VPNs on their Wi-Fi enabled devices.

The airline has said that the service will be available to its customers traveling in all classes of service for a flat fee of $12.95. Gogo will initially be available on the 13 Boeing 757 p.s. aircraft that fly between the John F Kennedy International Airport and the Los Angeles International Airport, and the San Francisco International Airport. United Airlines and Aircell will assess customer feedback to determine additional rollout plans.

Dennis Cary, senior vice president and chief customer officer of United Airlines, said: We are investing in products and services that are most important to our customers, and having Wi-Fi access on board is something that they have told us is key to making their flights more productive and enjoyable.