Unisys Corp says that it has had to delay ships of the uniprocessor model of its new mid-range 2200/400 OS1100 mainframe to the second quarter of next year from the first because of problems in integrating peripherals with the machine – but sees no impact on 1989 business from the delay. The company also says that overall, orders for its two lines of mainframes continue to be strong in Europe but sluggish in the US, continuing a pattern that has held sway for the past 18 months. On the A-series, the company says orders for the models added late last year had exceeded expectations, with about half the business coming from customers new to the MCP family. On the new 2200/600, the company says it already has a large number of orders, with most of the business likely to come from the 700 existing users of the Sperry 1100 family – both 1100/90 users and 1100/60, 1100/70 and 1100/80 users also looking for substantial additional power.