Unisys Corp yesterday announced an enhanced version of its Unix-based Open/OLTP software for distributed transaction processing that adds increased options for integrating personal computers and Unix systems into distributed clientserver networks, and ex-and clientserver application development and security options. The new Open/OLTP Transaction Manager 2, based on Unix System Laboratories Inc’s Tuxedo, for the U 6000 Series of 80486-based Unix servers includes a Transactional Desktop that enables networked MS-DOS or Windows 3 machines run client parts of transaction applications, which previously resided on the server. Clients can locally perform tasks such as window and icon presentation, access tools like Excel spreadsheets through Windows facilities, and initiate database updates and other transactions, including two-phase commit operations. A new Terminal Concentrator enables Unisys multi-user Unix systems to serve as client controllers for low-cost asynchronous terminals, off-loading client request management functions from the server. It can simultaneously support native terminal clients, which run on the server. Open/OLTP TM2, available now, comprises five orderable components Transaction Manager at from $1,900 to $17,500, and Transactional Desktop, Terminal Concentrator, and native clients at $50 per terminal. Network Access Port code, enabling Transactional Desktop and Terminal Concentrator clients to communicate with the server, are $150 per concurrently active client.