Unisys Corp reckons that it has won a rather closer development and systems integration alliance with KPMG Peat Marwick & Co than is typical in the industry. The computer manufacturer and the accountancy firm have reached agreement on a long-term business alliance covering a broad range of joint software development, systems integration and marketing activities, initially in the US. Initial projects will include the development of a software engineering and fourth generation language personnel management system, and both discrete and process manufacturing management systems, primarily to run under Unix on Unisys’ U-series machines. The two plan to create a set of fully-integrated systems using Unisys’ tools and incorporating additional Unisys technologies such as imaging and electronic data interchange. A key element in the Unisys-Peat Marwick alliance is the immediate establishment of a Technology Resource Centre near Atlanta, Unisys said. The centre is already staffed by about 20 KPMG personnel, and will be responsible for all alliance development, integration and demonstration activities. It will work closely with Unisys technology and initially pitch at Unisys customers.