Michael Blumenthal’s ambitions to grow Unisys Corp to a $20,000m company by the early 1990s are long dead, and the company’s president, James Unruh, now says that Unisys is forecasting little growth in 1990 on turnover for the current year that is not likely to be up much on the $10,000m that the two core constituents were doing immediately ahead of the merger in 1986 – but he does promise a significant profit for 1990 on the back of the stringent cost-cutting measures taken this year; the company is expected to report a loss after write-offs of about $650 for 1989; much of the profit will have to go towards lowering the company’s excessive debt burden – a debt-to-equity ratio of over 50% including Unisys’ finance subsidiary, 40% excluding it; Unruh hopes to get the latter figure down to between 30% and 35% by the end of 1990, he told the Wall Street Journal.