Unisys Corp, which wasn’t ready to announce the fruits of its OEM agreement with Solbourne Computer Inc on schedule last month (CI No 1,428), finally got its act together yesterday, launching the Series 5 multi-processor Sparc machine as the Unisys 2000 at the Unix User Show at London’s Olympia and demonstrating it running Unisys’ InfoImage Folder appliaction. InfoImage was announced in October as part of a range of image processing systems (CI No 1,282): it is a menu-driven electronic file folder management system enabling users to capture paper-based information in electronic files that can then be managed and manipulated as if they were paper files. Supported under Unix and MS-DOS, with TCP/IP, Ethernet, CCITT Group 3 and 4 compression algorithms and Tagged Image File Format, InfoImage Folder can map data to and from files right across networks, which may include mainframes. The Folder Director software is derived from Costa Mesa, Calif ornia-based FileNet Corp’s Image Ac cess Facility, and the MS-DOS inter face is provided by Sigma Imaging Systems. The Event Manger module which controls activity on the syst em as a whole is being developed by Unisys. InfoImage Folder is set for the fourth quarter at UKP230,000. Un isys’ $150m OEM pact for Solbourne’s Sparc box is, as reported, for Eur ope, Africa and Middle East only.