Unisys Corp has now revealed its plans for the multiprocessor 80386-based supermicros it bought in through its $250m OEM pact with Sequent Computer Systems Inc. There are two models U6000/70 with up to 10 16MHz 80386 processors, and the U6000/80 with up to 20. These join the existing 6000/50 machine based on Convergent Technologies 80386 hardware, and a new entry-level system, the 6000/30, also from Convergent, allowing Unisys to claim the broadest compatible Intel-based product family in the commercial marketplace. The systems support up to 400 users and have a price range of under UKP10,000 to UKP600,000. The 6000/30, for workgroups or small departments, support from four to 12 users and has 12Mb memory, a 16MHz 80386, floppy and SCSI controller, seven slots for XT and AT controllers, and 32-bit memory expansion bus. The multi-processors support from 8Mb to 240Mb main memory. All the 6000 series use common peripherals and integrate MS-DOS and Unix, as well as applications development tools Mapper and Ally. 6000/30 prices are from UKP8,200 to UKP30,000, the 6000/70 is UKP100,000 to UKP300,000, the 6000/80 from UKP250,000 to over UKP600,000. US prices range from $11,500 to over $1m. The new Intel-based range now looks to be the prime focus for commercial systems: Unisys says it will phase out the lower-end NCR-based 5000 Series 30 and 50, but will be adding new Series 5000 Models 85 and 95 versions with SCSI interface. The Series 7000, from Computer Consoles Inc, will be retained for high performance, single strand processing. Unisys also has a range of networking and distributed computing products – support for Token Ring, NFS, X-Window and PC-Xcite from Locus Computing Corp.