Unisys Corp has added X versions of the low end A1, A4 and A6 models in its A Series mainframe line, claiming price-performance improvements of up to 40% over current models. The company has also used IBM’s RAMP-C benchmark specifications and reckons the new machines offer about 20% more Transactions Per Hour than comparable models of the IBM AS/400. The new models are the A1FX, A4FX and A6FX uniprocessors and the A6KX dual, the last three replacing the existing non-X models. The A1FX is 1.6 times an A1F and takes 20 to 24 users; the A4FX is rated 50% better than its predecessor and can take 32 to 40 users; the A6FX is 33% over the A4FX and takes 48 to 60 usres; and the A6KX is 7% faster than the A6K and takes 96 or more users. The A1FX is $45,000; A4FX, $65,000; A6FX, $115,000; and A6KX, $210,000; all ship November in US.