Having enhanced the bottom end 2200 Model 220 the other day (CI No 816) Unisys Corp has turned its attention to the other end of the 1100 line and has enhanced the four processor version of the 1100/90 to improve performance by up to 25% in high volume transaction processing applications. That’s the good news – the bad is that the new 1100/94 Model II Turbo system will not be available for delivery until the first quarter of 1989 – after the Super 90 that will include processor subassemblies built by Hitachi is due to be launched. The memory, disk and channel configurations of the Model II Turbo are the same as the existing Turbo: the improved transaction throughput comes in part as a result of software enhancements, in part through the use of new memory chips four times as fast as the 256K parts used in 1100/90. The new model is particularly aimed at Unisys’ airline customers and is $7.3m with 16M-words of main store.