Sunnyvale, California-based Unison-Tymlabs Inc, a software house that until recently concentrated on selling systems management software to HP-MPE users, has recently been pushing its way into the Unix arena. The company, the result of a merger last year between 14-year-old Unison Software and Austin, Texas-based Tymlabs Inc, says that its Maestro networked workload management software for batch job scheduling is a competitor for the likes of Computer Associates International Inc, Legent Corp, Candle Corp, Raxco Inc and OpenVision Inc. It enables systems managers or administrators to automate network job scheduling and tracking, enforcing job dependencies and restrictions across different systems and varied hardware environments from a single console. It keeps job processing integrity through something it calls fault-tolerant workload distribution. Re-written from Pascal into C, Maestro has been available on HP 9000 Series running HP-UX since June, and Hewlett-Packard Co itself, which has the product running on some 800 systems internally, has now taken out a worldwide corporate licence for the Unix-based version. Unison-Tymlabs is currently working to integrate the product with Hewlett-Packard’s OpenView. Aside from Hewlett-Packard, the company is limiting itself to IBM Corp AIX, Sun Microsystems Inc Solaris and NCR Corp 3000 systems for the moment, all of which should become available over the next few months. It has also converted the KLA performance-tuning tool for Unix, and plans to release the Tymlabs Roadrunner networked back-up product along with tape library management and resource accounting tools for Unix over the next six months. The company has an installed base of 2,000-plus user sites on MPE/V. It has 120 employees and subsidiary offices in Austin, Texas and in Harpenden, Hertfordshire.