UnixWare Technology Group founding member UniSoft Group Ltd, the small UK-based Unix verification and testing specialist, has been working with Novell Inc on an Application Binary Interface verification test suite for UnixWare systems. Funded by Novell and now being used for both the MIPS and iAPX-86 architectures, with announcements due in November from Intel Corp, verification suites will also be used by Novell to push a Yes it runs with UnixWare marketing and certification programme for UnixWare OEM customers. UniSoft, which we understand to have started work on a PowerPC version of UnixWare 2.0 symmetric multiprocessing, employs 20 people split between its main development site in London and its office in Emeryville, California. The company has emerged in a cut-down form from its original base in Unix technical and conversion expertise for Motorola Inc’s 68000 chip family to concentrate on its testing and verification business. Under chairman Jeremy Thomas, it did turnover of $3m last year. It promises news on its Novell development work in a few weeks time.