Now headquartered in San Mateo, California, Uniplex Software Inc has added the ability to access documents stored in its OnGo Document Management System repository from Web browsers. Specifically it has enhanced the OnGo Document Agent Services to convert documents to HyperText Mark-up Language; documents can be posted to the Web repository in their original form. Uniplex touts its version control and revision management facilities and says support for Java is underway. OnGo DMS is $650 per user; version 2 is up on Microsoft clients and Unix servers. OnGo DMS currently uses either Uniplex’s proprietary messaging system or Hewlett-Packard Co’s HP OpenMail, for which it was developed, although the company says it is moving to a more independent position. OnGo can also be used with generic Unix sendmail services. It can be synchronized to interoperate with Microsoft Corp Exchange but does not currently run over it. It is looking at supporting Novell Inc’s NetWare Directory Services which supports Groupwise, if it becomes more widely adopted. Other groupware-messaging technologies supported include IBM Corp’s Lotus Notes.