Commercial TCP/IP users in the UK should now be able to plug into the resources of the Internet more easily, following the formation of Pipex, a new division of Cambridge-based Unipalm Ltd. Pipex – the Public IP Exchange – is offering four levels of service based on 64Kbps digital leased lines, with a UKP1,800 installation charge and annual subscription ranging from UKP7,500 to UKP13,500. Unipalm managing director Peter Dawe, who spent three months researching the project, says the service is the only fully commercial one available – it has been lauched as a commercial service and will be actively marketed to encourage as many users as possible. Connections with the University of Kent’s UKNet and the JANet Joint Academic Network are being negotiated, and Pipex is connected to the five major US commercial TCP/IP network providers via CIX, the Commercial Internet Exchange. Internet gives access to three to seven million people, and 750,000 computers worldwide. For those with smaller budgets, the UK part of EUnet is now offering dial-up access to Internet, based around the Telebit NetBlazer router from Chernikeeff Network Systems, London W: prices were not available. Pipex promises a dial-up service later in the year.