Unify Corp, Sacramento, California is using Galaxy, Visix Software Inc’s new object-oriented application programming environment, to build its next generation of software products, including Accel l/OO, an object-oriented version of its proprietary language development system. Accell/OO – or whatever it is called by the time it comes to market – will have full graphical and object-oriented functions, Unify says. Reston, Virginia-based Visix’s Galaxy software, introduced last year, enables developers to develop applications across multi-vendor systems irrespective of operating system or graphical user interface. Galaxy is written in C and C++, and provides an application programming interface plus an open software backplane for third party tools to plug in to. According to Unify, Galaxy will pretty up Accell’s look and feel, and enable it to hook into other graphical and non-Unix environments. Galaxy currently supports Motif, Open Look, IBM Corp’s Common User Access, X Window, the Object Management Group’s Common Object Request Broker specification, the Open Software Foundation’s Distributed Computing Environment, Sun Microsystems Inc’s Open Network Computing environment, Microsoft Corp’s Object Linking and Embedding specification and the Apple Computer Inc Macintosh. Unify, which unveiled a bunch of Accell enhancements last year – including Accell/SQL, a gateway that provides Unix-to-IBM DB/2 access, and Accell/TP, its Tuxedo-based transaction processing language – says it hopes to begin releasing its object-oriented products by the end of this year.