Unify Corp, Sacramento, California previewed a new version of its fourth generation language database and independent toolset for transaction processing applications. Speaking at ICL Plc’s Software Open Show in Birmingham in the UK last week, Unify said it aims to launch Accell/TP and Accell/Object next month. The two developments have been backed with cash from ICL, which will take the software as part of its existing OEM agreement. Unify claims Accell/TP is a database-independent toolset for implementing transaction processing applications, supporting its own Unify 2000 database, as well as Oracle, Informix, Ingres and Sybase – it runs under Motif, Windows 3.0 or Open Look. Unify says the software offers data-dependent routing, fault-tolerance and integrity, along with debugging and administration functions. Accell/TP also enables applications built using Accell/SQL – its current product – to run under Unix System Laboratories Inc’s Tuxedo transaction processing monitor, without recompilation, it claims. Eager to seal deals with users of the major databases, the company is lying low with Accell/TP on its Unify 2000 database for the time being. Accell/TP should be generally available in the autumn; no prices as yet; development kits are available in limited quantities. An object-oriented version of Accell/TP – Accell/Object – is planned for the first quarter of 1993.