Twenty-year-old Enicorn Systems Inc is implementing its new CICS/VSAM-compatible transaction processing development system, Unikix, to Arix 800 and System90, NCR 3000, Pyramid Technology, Sequent Computer Systems Symmetry, Sun Microsystems Sparc and Unisys 5000 and 6000 systems. The software is intended to shoe-horn Unix into Fortune 1000 accounts where CICS has been used for 25 years and is reportedly installed on 80% of all IBM mainframes and at 60% of all transaction processing sites. It will enable end-users, especially those in retail, banking, finance and insurance, to salvage their existing software and move it to less expensive Unix stations at a cost saving of as much as 300%, Unicorn claims. Unikix runs under Unix System V.3 and uses the Unix version of Micro Focus Cobol/2 compiler. A single-user version of Unikix costs $7,500.