MIPS Technologies Inc refugee Chet Sylvestri, now over at Sun Microsystems Inc and responsible for putting Sparc over the top as an architecture, reckons that a key step could be getting the Windows NT operating system implemented for the chip despite the fact that the idea has hitherto been anathema at Sun. Word from inside says the intent is there on both Microsoft Corp’s and Sun’s part. It will happen. How it happens is another matter, and apparently undecided. It could be a joint development or a pricey investment by a third party. There is talk, still unconfirmed but reasonable enough, that Sparcsystem cloners anxious finally to turn their allegiance to profit are pushing for NT. Hewlett-Packard Co, on the other hand, has no intention of putting NT on Precision Architecture in the foreseeable future. It will take real user demand to convince it to do otherwise, it declares.