Despite being a bit lightweight by the company’s own admission and not pretending to get near the functionality of IBM Corp’s Lotus Notes, Ulysses Telemedia Networks Inc’s forthcoming Odyssey intranet groupware package hopes to get a slice of the groupware action before IBM gets round to Web-enabling Notes fully. Odyssey, sold through Ulysses’s Intraprise Technologies Inc affiliate, comprises Odyssey Contact Manager, Odyssey Calendar and Odyssey Reminder and is, so the Minneapolis company claims, a machine-independent Web-based groupware package. Odyssey Contact Manager resembles a Rolodex-like system for basic contact management, as well as tracking the call history of a contact, Odyssey calendar is self-explanatory – it’s a diary, and Odyssey Reminder takes on the life of a real-life personal assistant, according to the company, which is putting it a bit strong. It enables messages to be programmed and delivered via electronic mail, facsimile, pager or through Odyssey Calendar. The next release will add a task manager on top of the Contact Manager. Out now, Odyssey costs $1,500 for the server software and $150 per user.