The UK’s online directory has incorporated Bing Maps into its residential and business listings, for a more powerful snapshot of the country.

Currently, about 4.5 million users visit each month.

The addition of Bing Maps to’s search results provides a 45-degree bird’s eye-view imagery of residential and business listings.

The listings will also feature Bing’s 3-D effect, showing buildings in proportion and maintaining clarity from all four compass directions, said the company.

Moreover, users can also choose from Bing’s five map styles.’s residential listings have data from the 2002-2011 edited electoral rolls, land registry records, births marriages and death indexes, companies house director reports and the telephone directory.

A search for residential listings in will typically show: where people live, who they live with, how long someone has been a resident of a property, a guide to the resident’s age, the property’s last sale price and an incredible aerial photograph.

The business listings include director’s details and company credit reports. product director Dominic Blackburn said using Bing Maps on allows the website to a comprehensive Britain.

Blackburn said, "Bing Maps show a multitude of place names, as opposed to just focusing on road networks, dovetailing superbly with our residential and business data. Britain has never been so comprehensively displayed."

Bing Spokesperson Tamsin Todd said, "By using Bing Maps on, users can get to know the people or businesses they are looking at in seconds. It’s so exciting when you bring the best of the web together."