YouGov’s Smartphone Mobile Internet Experience (SMIX) research has found that the proportion of Britons using a smartphone has increased marginally by only 2% in the last six months.

According to the study, only 35% adults are using a smartphone now.

The research suggests that the unpopularity of the device among the elderly and women could be a reason for the sluggish growth.

The study found that only 14% of smartphone owners are over 55 and only 41% of women own a smartphone.

People over 55 make up 50% of feature phone users.

YouGov’s Russell Feldman said, "The challenge for the industry is to better explain the benefits of smartphone ownership to current rejecters, notably older age groups and women."

The study also revealed that some smartphone brands are liked by women more than others.

While BlackBerry, Apple and Samsung are almost neutral to gender, HTC and Nokia appealed more to men than women.