UK Prime Minister David Cameron is trialling a mobile app known as Number 10 Dashboard to consolidate his workload and help him with the day-to-day running of the government.

The new app will provide daily information and analysis on a number of policy areas that include jobs, salaries and house prices and local growth.

Developed by the Cabinet Office’s digital team, the app monitors, polls and posts data from hundreds of data sources including Google, Twitter and Facebook.

Number 10 Dashboard is a web-based app, which will allow the prime minister to view it on multiple devices, including mobile, tablet and desktop.

The app also pulls data from London-based start-up Adzuna, which aggregates large amounts of data by monitoring recruitment and property websites.

A Cabinet Office source confirmed to the BBC that the app is currently on the prime minister’s iPad, as well as devices used by a select group of staff within the Cabinet Office.

The source was quoted by BBC as saying that "It’s been presented to the PM in person."

"He’s used it, given feedback on it to help improve it – and there is now great demand for it right across government," the source said.

Currently, the app, which is in Beta form is undergoing further development and would be rolled out across Whitehall in 2013.