The UK Government is investing £15 million to train engineers who will specialise in quantum technologies.

The funding will be issued via the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and used to create quantum technologies "skills hubs" across the UK.

These will work alongside industry to deliver training and career development programmes for post-graduate students.

The announcement comes as the Government establishes a broader cross-government research initiative to guide research in quantum technology, called the National Quantum Technologies Programme.

Business Secretary Vince Cable said: "From cameras that can see through smoke to cracking down on internet fraud, quantum technologies are taking innovation to a whole new level and offer an unparalleled opportunity to shape the next generation of high-tech products that will improve our day-to-day lives."

He added: "This £15 million investment will ensure we have the flexible, highly-skilled workforce needed to turn these futuristic ideas into a reality."

Universities, Science and Cities Minister Greg Clark added: "Quantum technologies are set to transform the way we live, pushing the boundaries of knowledge which will benefit healthcare, communications and security.

"Quantum skills will allow us to bring game-changing advantages to future timing, sensing and navigation capabilities, in a sector that could be worth more than £1 billion to the UK economy.

"That is why we are investing up to £15 million to train specialists with the right entrepreneurial and business skills to ensure we have the talent to keep us ahead of growing international competition.