A French court, the Cour d’Appel de Paris, has postponed the case against Uber’s UberPop service leaving the case to be decided by a higher court.

The court mentioned that it did not make any decision because it is waiting for France’s highest appeals court to conclude the matter and come up with the new regulation.

Reuters, reported to have seen certain documents, highlighted that a decision could come in June or by the end September, depending upon where the case would be handled, which could be the country’s Constitutional Council or a lower authority.

Unlike in Germany where the service has been banned, UberPop will be able to operate without any restriction in France until a decision is being made.

The low cost service allows users to dedicate their private cars to give a ride to other users at a cheap rate, which did not go over well with the local taxi companies.

Local taxi companies in France have accused Uber of competing unfairly and not respecting local regulations.

However, Uber argues that it does not fall under rules governing taxi operators as its app connects the drivers to the customers.

Previously, Uber’s Paris office was raided by the French Police to gather information about the case, which accused the taxi hailing service of illegally retaining customers’ personal data.