Alcatel Alsthom SA’s Alcatel NV unit announced two contracts for a pilot Digital Cellular System 1800 network in Germany and for a $20m Synchronous Digital Hierarchy digital microwave backbone network in Indonesia. Deutsche Telekom Mobil Net GmbH contracted Alcatel to install the DCS 1800 pilot network in the Stuttgart area. Comprising six radio cells, the network is connected to DeTeMobil’s D1 Groupe Speciale Mobile network as well. In Indonesia, the state-owned operator PT Telkom signed Alcatel Telspace to supply, install and commission its first digital microwave network, a 930-mile backbone running from Banda Aceh to Palembang in Sumatra. The turnkey contract is financed by the Asian Development Bank and involves as well Alcatel CIT and Marubeni Co for the network management system and tower installation, respectively. The installation of radio links will be assured by PT Alcatel Enkomindo, the joint venture created by Alcatel last year to provide customised local services.