In an attempt to handle abuse in a better way, Twitter has announced additional features to ‘report’, which includes tracking of phone numbers of those who repeatedly harass other users.

According to the Verge, the micro blogging site will track phone numbers of known trolls.

Initially, a user need not provide their phone number, but if an offender creates a new account and restarts abusing toher users then Twitter will ask them to provide their email address and phone number, suspending the account until the details are provided.

If harassment continues then the user account will be suspended permanently.

Twitter said: "These new actions will not be visible to the vast majority of rule-abiding Twitter users, but they give us new options for acting against the accounts that don’t follow the rules, and serve to discourage behaviour that goes against our policies."

The company has been updating its policy and bringing out new features to prevent abuse by allowing users to report it over mobile devices requiring fewer inputs.

It also allows bystanders to report abuse as well, which was previously restricted to victims only.

According to reports, Twitter has also tripled the size of its support team to help users fight abuse.