Twitter yesterday welcomed Niche, a provider of software, community and monetization services, to its team. The move signals further efforts by Twitter to generate revenue through advertising.

Although Twitter has not disclosed the purchase price of the start-up, reports approximate the deal to be worth anywhere from $30 to $60 million.

As the owner of Niche, a self-advertised ‘social media talent agency’, Twitter can utilise the company’s ability to connect advertisers with social media stars in order to boost ad revenue.

Twitter stated in a release on its site: "Niche has been a key partner to both Twitter and Vine over the last year."

"The company has helped fuel the creator economy by developing leading technology, consisting of free, cross-platform analytics, as well as connecting the creative community directly with the world’s biggest brands."

Twitter concluded the post by saying it was ‘thrilled’ to welcome Niche to the Twitter team, with further news on the integration coming soon.

This is positive news in a week which has seen major disruption on the social media platform. Twitter’s CFO had his account hacked, while Twitter also shut down a number of user accounts, accusing the Tweeters of ‘automated behaviour’.

CyberCaliphate, a group which boasts ties to ISIS, also attacked Twitter this week in a highly publicised hack which saw the accounts of Newsweek magazine and veterans’ group Military Spouses of Strength compromised.