Twitter has collaborated with Comcast and NBCUniversal to offer a feature that enables users to interact with television shows, whilst allowing them to buy movie tickets via a tweet.

The feature will allow users of Comcast’s Xfinify TV service to tune in to programmes by clicking a ‘See It’ button in a tweet, which Comcast calls as ‘an instant online remote control.’

The button will also let the users of micro-blogging site to set DVRs, as well as watch online shows either on TV or on mobile devices.

Comcast chairman and CEO Brian Roberts said that the new ‘See It’ button is a simple yet powerful feature that creates an instant online remote control.

"Comcast is taking a leap forward in social TV by enabling Twitter users to more easily find and view the shows they want to watch and discover new shows," Roberts said.

During the current TV season, users will be able to view shows on NBC, USA, Bravo, MSNBC and other networks via the ‘See It’ button, with further TV networks and firms to use the feature soon.

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said that Twitter is where television viewers come to talk about what they’re watching on TV when they’re watching it.

"Millions of users are exposed to the live conversation that unfolds on Twitter while a show is on the air and now, with ‘See It’, they’ll be able to tune in directly from a tweet," Costolo said.

In addition to the existing partnership, NBCUniversal and Twitter will also work on a new advertising joint venture which would allow NBCUniversal’s advertising clients to spread out their TV and digital sponsorships to the micro-blogging site.

NBCUniversal CEO Steve Burke said that the company’s content is driving the most popular conversations in social media.

"Now with this partnership, our advertisers will be able to reach even more of the specific audiences that they desire," Burke said.