Twitter has reportedly acquired the social media aggregator TweetDeck for $40m.

The TechCrunch reported, citing people familiar with the matter, that the microblogging site has bought TweetDeck in both stock and cash for a sum in between $40m-$50m.

TweetDeck is a third party customer of Twitter, which uses apps for Internet social networking services.

The report also said that Twitter will announce a purchase of TweetDeck in the next few days.

TweetDeck calls itself a personal browser for users to connect with contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc.

It offers a free download for applications designed for different devices including desktops, smartphones and tablet computers.

Using TweetDeck, one can connect with Facebook and MySpace friends directly from TweetDeck by updating one’s status, posting photos or videos, commenting or liking. One can also customise the Twitter experience with columns, groups, saved searches and automatic updates.

Twitter has not commented on the matter so far.