No value has been put on the Motorola deal because the Schaumberg, Illinois-based company is clearly feeling its way with a new product and it is not yet known how far it will roll out the product. But with demand booming at the low end of the market, handset manufacturers are under pressure to roll out models customized for each carrier.

The need for rapid development saw Motorola, the number-two handset supplier after Nokia, in July buy the entire intellectual property portfolio and engineering team of moribund UK mobile handset developer Sendo Ltd to give it additional resources for the additional launch of new models.

The AJAR platform is designed to ensure that all devices developed have similar, standard qualities, even when they are developed in different geographies. It has pre-integrated third-party applications including Java, MMS, WAP2.0, digital camera support, embedded and downloadable games, and polyphonic ringtones.