TRW Federal Systems Group in Fairfax, Virginia has a $3m multi year research contract from the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency for its Advanced Computing Systems Project, in which TRW is setting out to use advanced process models, formal reasoning systems and software engineering environments in an innovative manner. Technology advances achieved via the research will be demonstrated by application to specific target system efforts. The first phase calls for development of a next generation risk-driven software development paradigm for trusted systems, with significant security, integrity, reliability and trust requirements. In the second phase, the development paradigm will be applied to an exploratory prototype of trusted components of the Mach operating system in Ada. Mach is a slimline derivative of Unix developed at Carnegie Mellon University. As an option task, to proceed in parallel with the second phase, TRW will develop a trust analysis tool to be incorporated into an advanced Ada software engineering environment. Subcontractors include Computational Logic in Durham, North Carolina and Trusted Information Systems in Glenwood, Maryland. TRW is also working on neural net computers.