Trump’s Strategic Policy and Forum have separated, a letter from Ginni Rometty IBM’s CEO confirms.

The Forum was made up of business leaders across various industries, including IBM boss Ginni Rometty. After recent political events, IBM’s CEO announced her departure from the council, despite IBM’s administration having a direct engagement with the U.S. Presidency since Woodrow Wilson.

In a tweet yesterday, Trump announced the end of both the Manufacturing Council and Strategy & Policy Forum. Trump’s tweet said: “Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!”

The Truth behind the separation: Trumps tweet vs. IBM CEO’s letter
The US President sends tweet about the separation, but IBM confirm the council made the decision.


However, a report of the Strategy and Policy Forum disbanding was apparently decided individually by the group itself. IBM’s Rometty confirmed this in a letter to her employees.

Sent to IBM’s 380,000 employees, Rometty told staff about IBM’s commitment to an open inclusive environment but described the rally as “despicable conduct” and that IBM maintains a ‘no political action committee.’

In her letter she said: “In the past week, we have seen and heard of public events and statements that run counter to our values as a country and a company.

“The despicable conduct of hate groups in Charlottesville last weekend, and the violence and death that resulted from it shows yet again that our nation needs to focus on unity, inclusion and tolerance.

“IBM has long said, and more importantly demonstrated its commitment to a workplace and a society that is open, inclusive and provides opportunity to all.”

The Intel boss Brian Krzanich was amongst other business leaders to leave the Presidency council after a disagreement as to how Charlottesville events were handled by the President. Others departing the council included CEO’s from Under Armour and Merck.

Read More: “Hate-spawned violence in Charlottesville” leads Intel CEO to quit Trump advisory council

The exit of business leaders from Trump’s cabinet come as a result of Trump attempting to suggest equivalent behaviour between sides participating in last weekend’s white supremacy in Charlottesville that saw protesters going against the Pro-Nazi alt-right event.

Concluding her email to employees, Rometty said: “we have always believed that dialogue is critical to progress; that is why I joined the President’s Forum earlier this year.

“But this group can no longer serve the purpose for which it was formed. Earlier today I spoke with other members of the Forum and we agreed to disband the group.

“IBM will continue to work with all parts of the government for policies that support job growth, vocational education and global trade, as well as fair and informed policies on immigration and taxation.”