The DOD framework is part of an ongoing rationalization of processes for the defense community, including branches of the armed services and contractors. It provides standard methodologies for planning and reporting on the need for staging resources, from weaponry to information systems.

The new Troux product provides views of assets, analysis or resources, and reporting on the properties and interrelationships of assets. Company president and COO Pat Motola likens the analysis and reporting capabilities as, essentially, business process management for the defense community.

The new product is a logical extension of Computes’ existing line of asset planning products aimed at the public sector, and does not leverage the acquisition, which brought Troux’s enterprise architecture repository capabilities.

According to Motola, the fruits of the acquisition should come at the end of Q2 or early Q3, when it releases integration between the Troux enterprise repository and the Computas modeling, reporting, and analysis frameworks. In effect, it will link the repository, which provides a current snapshot of enterprise assets and policies, with a modeling and reporting capability that can be used to plan the future.