According to the terms of the three-year agreement, Triple-S will become the sole Puerto Rico-based health plan to license RxEOB’s software, which will integrate the plan’s customer service, clinical services, management and finance modules into a total web strategy solution.

RxEOB’s decision-support tool, which allows members to review their prescription history, compare prices of cost-effective medication alternatives, verify prescriptions and research drug information via a user-friendly, web-based interface, will be used by Triple-S to empower patients through multiple touch points.

First, the software will be incorporated into the Triple-S automated, voice-response customer service system. Second, live customer representatives will proactively review pharmacy benefit options on screen with members that walk into the clinic.

The company noted this ability to review pharmacy benefit options in person will address the needs of members who wish to reduce the cost of their pharmacy benefits by migrating to less expensive drugs with lower co-payments.