Billerica, Massachusetts-based Trillium, which operates as a division of direct marketing services firm Harte-Hanks Inc, claims to be the first data quality vendor to offer universal connectivity to any J2EE-compliant web application server.

The Trillium web services interface is offered as an optional component of the latest Trillium Software System 7.5. The 7.5 release introduces new features such as Wizard-driven automation for creating custom parameters and business rules and a French language version of the standard user interface menu.

The web services interface is deployed in a J2EE-based web application server, implemented either as a web service or as an Enterprise Java Bean. All of Trillium’s data quality functions can be accessed via a single function call from any J2EE-based application server.

Trillium’s move into web services has also paved the way for the development of custom data quality interfaces for IBM Corp’s WebSphere and BEA Systems Inc’s WebLogic web application servers. Trillium said a customized version for Microsoft.NET is also in the works.

Additionally, Trillium also announced the release of its Director client-server integration software, another optional add-on for its core Trillium Software System.

Director is designed to optimize data quality processing in high-transaction volume environments. The application not only facilitates easy connection to enterprise applications but also provides a number of controls that efficiently load-balance quality requests and governs transaction flows across multiple designated servers.