High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire-based Tricom Group Ltd has announced a range of Integrated Services Digital Network devices, including bridge-routers, terminal adaptors and Primary Rate hubs. The baby of the The LANDial 500 Series bridgerouter family is the LANDial 500PC, for the home or tele-worker requiring access to the corporate local area network. It is a personal computer board bridge-router for use with Basic Rate Integrated Services Digital Network service. The LANDial 520 is a stand-alone version of the same and is designed for small to medium-sized companies with multiple personal computer users accessing the corporate local area network. Tricom claims it offers secure local area to local area network dial up, back up bandwidth for leased line installations and dynamic bandwidth-on-demand. The LANDial 550 is a modular bridge-router that the company says provides up to eight wide area network and two Basic Rate Integrated Services Digital Network service links. Tricom says it is fully compatible with the 500PC and 520. On the terminal adaptor side, the company has launched the TA 64/42 and TA 64/42V, offering two data connections and one data, one voice link, respectively. Both are said to offer future access to the D-channel and come in either stand-alone or personal computer board versions.

Retail market

The products are aimed at retail and electronic point of sale markets, says Tricom. The company also unveiled Office Server 600/32, a stand-alone 2.048Mbps leased line back-up unit for mission-critical time division multiplexing network infrastructures. Tricom says the product ‘aggregates/bonds’ Primary Rate Integrated Services Digital Network services to provide a total of up to 32 by 64Kbps channels. Tricom says it is the only product to offer Megastream circuit back-up. Last up is the Office Server 700, a Primary Integrated Services Digital Network hub, that operates with all Tricom Integrated Services Digital Network offerings, including personal computer-to-local area network and local network-to-local network bridging, leased line back up, dynamic bandwidth on demand and Simple Network Management Protocol. The LANDial 500PC costs UKP1,100, the 520 from UKP1,900 and the 550 from UKP2,500. The TA 64/42 costs UKP900, the TA 64/42V UKP1,000. The Office Server 600/32 costs UKP8,000, with the 700 model starting at UKP10,000. All the products are shipping now.