The new software, which will launch in December, has new data encryption and authentication capabilities. If a device is lost or stolen, data on the phone is encrypted unless it is unlocked with a password. And data on devices that do not comply with policies can be wiped out by administrators, Trend Micro said.

Mobile Security 5.0 also has new anti-malware features that block viruses, worms, Trojans and SMS text message spam. It also boasts built-in firewall and an intrusion detection system that Trend Mobile said protects against hackers, intrusions and denial-of-service attacks.

Pricing for the basic version of the software starts at $35 per device while the Advanced edition starts at $70 per device. Mobile Security 5.0 Standard and Advanced for Windows Mobile 5 and 6, as well as for Symbian/S60 third edition, which is the Nokia E-Series, will be available in mid-December, while the Advanced for Symbian/S60 third edition version will ship in the first half of 2008.