ONEX, based in Bedford, Massachusetts, will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of TranSwitch.

ONEX brings to TranSwitch a highly skilled staff with extensive design expertise in developing VLSI solutions for metropolitan area networks. Currently, ONEX is developing System Silicon Solutions that enable equipment vendors to combine network routing, switching and transmission capabilities with increased performance and improved economics. ONEX’s architecture provides scalable processing and switching of all major traffic types including TDM, ATM, IP and MPLS and addresses the full requirements for carrier class multi-service platforms.

The ONEX team brings a wealth of experience in the development of Systems Silicon Solutions for multi-service Metropolitan Area Networks. These solutions complement TranSwitch’s product portfolio and roadmap, stated Dr. Santanu Das, President and CEO of TranSwitch Corporation. This acquisition is strategic for both the companies as our combined intellectual property will enable us to offer very comprehensive VLSI solutions to our customers.

We are very proud of joining forces with the TranSwitch team, and we believe that the ONEX system silicon technology is an important part of TranSwitch’s comprehensive strategy to power the growth of global communications networks. Our customers will now have access to a comprehensive portfolio of access and metro area VLSI solutions and will be able to deliver innovative multi-service platforms to the marketplace, stated Paul DeBeasi, Vice President, Marketing and Product Planning, ONEX Communications Corporation.