IBM Corp’s Distributed Computing Environment subsidiary Transarc Corp, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is now offering Chisholm Technologies Inc’s DCE Cell Manager toolset for use as an administration system for its customers. Chisholm, based in Austin, Texas, is the HAL Computer Systemns Inc intranet administration tools spin off funded by HAL parent Fujitsu Ltd last June (CI No 2,938). The Chisholm software, first introduced in June 1994, uses the Motif graphical interface to simplify the management of Distributed Computing Environment services, automating and centralizing administration tasks. Chisholm has a reseller agreement with fellow Austin company Wham Engineering and Software Inc’s distributed resource monitor, which provides performance information of processes, groups of processes, or multiple servers in text or graphical format. Chisholm also sells Sunnyvale, California-based Aquas Inc’s automated real-time intranet management and web site analysis and monitoring tool.