Toshiba said that it is planning to launch players and notebook PCs that support Blu-ray format later this year.

The company said in a short statement that it had applied for membership of the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) and would soon introduce products that support the Blu-ray format.

The Japanese electronics maker had backed another high-definition video format HD-DVD and has lost the format war with the Blu-ray camp when it was supported by four biggest movie studios.

Toshiba said that it aims to introduce digital products that support the Blu-ray format, including BD players and notebook PCs integrating BD drives.

The company said: “Details of the products, including the timing of regional launches, are now under consideration. We will make announcements in due course.”

“In light of recent growth in digital devices supporting the Blu-ray format, combined with market demand from consumers and retailers alike, Toshiba has decided to join the BDA.”