Japan’s semiconductor manufacturer Toshiba America Electronic Components has released its wireless LSI compliant with the TransferJet standard for high-speed wireless data transfer.

The TransferJet LSI is a single-chip offering that uses an RF-CMOS manufacturing process to support both RF and digital functionality in one chip and it enables fast, close proximity exchange of large multimedia files between consumer electronics devices.

Toshiba TransferJet LSI reduces power consumption and design footprint; key areas of concern for customers designing battery-powered, small form factor consumer electronics devices.

In addition, the Toshiba TransferJet LSI has a receiving sensitivity of -78dBm, which far exceeds the TransferJet specification and contributed to the device’s range and stability.

Toshiba America Electronic Components Analog and Imaging Business Unit, System LSI Group vice-president Andrew Burt said the proliferation of mobile broadband and consumer electronics devices with lots of storage has enabled consumers to take their movies, music and photos anywhere.

"But moving that content between devices can be a tedious process involving cables or confusing Bluetooth or Wi-Fi configurations. TransferJet removes these complications, letting consumers simply place devices next to each other to securely transfer large multimedia files in seconds. Our TransferJet LSI will let OEMs add this functionality to their devices with minimal effect on their device’s size or power consumption," said Burt.