Santa Clara, California-based Tolerant Software Inc, the former Tolerant Systems, which had the misfortune to choose the ill-fated NS32000 microprocessor as the basis of its fault-tolerant Unix line, is changing its name again. It reckons it has successfully completed its transition from a supplier of systems to a supplier of portable operating software building blocks, and now wants to be known as Veritas Software Inc. Veritas is devel oping Unix System V products with emphasis on transaction processing and database man agement applications. The strategy is to offer a family of building block system software products that improve system perf ormance, enhance data and applications av ailability, and simplify the admini strative management of on-line inf ormation systems. The company’s in itial products will address the are as of Unix disk and file management and provide graphical administrative tools to simplify on-line system ma nagement, bringing System V to par ity with proprietary operating syst ems in the area of disk and file ma nagement; they went into beta test in April. Veritas is an active participant in Unix International.