The Lynx relationship with Nissho Software is relatively new, with sales initiated in April this year, and good reaction in the market claimed. An exhibition was held concurrently with the Symposium. In addition to the Unigram.X stand – there is a Japanese edition of our weekly sister paper – NEC Corp, MIPS Computer Systems Inc, Kubota Computer Corp, Sony Corp, Network Computing Devices Japan, Yokogawa Hewlett-Packard Co and Omron Corp were exhibiting their hardware. Sumitomo Electric Workstation Corp, an affiliate of Sumitomo Electric, was displaying its SumiStation S-S300M and P300 series, deskside and desktop workstations built from the MIPS R3000 chip. This new systems replaces a previous 68030 line. The Sumistation line is aimed at the computer graphics, computer-aided design and publishing market. Major Sony distributor Software Research Associates Inc was displaying Looking Glass from Visix Software Inc, running in English. The tie-up between Visix and Software Research dates from April this year; Looking Glass is currently being Japanised and will be released in November for the Sony NEWS and the Sun Sparcstation. Visix appears to be pursuing a different strategy from IXI Ltd, whose distributor Tomen Electronics has achieved alliances with a number of major vendors including NEC for bundled sales of its X.desktop software. Real-time Unix was represented by Kobelco (VxWorks from Wind River Systems) and Nippon VenturCom, a joint venture with VenturCom Inc, the Cambridge, Massachusetts mini-Unix company. Its Venix/386 product is aimed at the real-time market for industrial process control applications; it is currently being Japanised with a target date of August. – Anita Byrnes