Transaction Network Services, a data communications company, has added Turquoise, the pan-European trading platform established by investment banks, to its expanding portfolio of automated trading systems, exchanges and electronic communication networks.

Financial institutions using TNS network can access a variety of mission critical trade-related messages, data and applications which supports order routing, trade executions, direct market access and algorithmic trading, according to TNS.

John Owens, vice president of exchanges and electronic communication networks (ECNs) of the financial services division at TNS, said: We are working with an ever growing number of automated trading systems (ATS) and are delighted to bring Turquoise on board. The deal will provide buyers and sellers that want to trade pan-European equities with rapid access to the new trading platform.

Yann L’Huillier, chief technology officer of Turquoise, said: We are committed to working with the European investment community to ensure that trading on Turquoise is as straightforward and seamless as possible. We are pleased to announce today’s agreement with TNS, as it provides European market participants with greater choice in how they route orders to and receive pricing information from Turquoise.