Under the agreement, TMW will offer EBE’s transportation-workflows and process management applications to complement its enterprise transportation software systems with additional business automation. The non-exclusive EBE agreement joins other re-sale and co-marketing arrangements that TMW Systems has completed with independent companies to deliver value-added solutions that serve particular market segment needs effectively.

Under the terms of the agreement, EBE will provide support and implementation services to all EBE installations to maintain the high standard of customer care for which both organizations are known.

Dave Mook, COO and chief technology officer of TMW Systems, said: The integration that EBE Technologies has developed between its well-regarded business process solutions and our enterprise applications is field-proven and can be implemented quickly. Transportation services firms that are looking for increased efficiencies and profitability continue to look to TMW Systems as a single-source provider of the integrated software and technologies that they need.

Larry Kerr, president of EBE Technologies, said: TMW and EBE have been good industry partners over the years. Benefiting from TMW’s market presence and sales organization, EBE will be able to invest additional resources into our products and people more quickly, increasing the pace at which we can deliver more innovative solutions to the industry.