Sounds a little bizarre, but the Palo Alto, California-based Technology Modeling Associates Inc has filed suit in the Superior Court of the State of California against Silvaco Data Systems Inc of Santa Clara County: the claims against Silvaco include unfair competition, trespass, intentional interference with prospective economic advantage, misappropriation of trade secrets, conspiracy and unjust enrichment; Modeling Associates alleges that Silvaco wrongfully misappropriated trade secrets and other confidential proprietary information by theft of Technology Modeling Associates’ garbage – although sceptics might ask why Technology Associates was stupid enough to put trade secrets and confidential information in the dustbins; the suit further alleges that the defendants used the information to interfere with Technology Modeling Associates’ relationships with prospective customers resulting in substantial lost business for the company, which is seeking injunctive relief, actual damages of around $1.5m and punitive damages.