Start-up maven Bob Fabbio, fresh from the unparalleled success of Tivoli Systems Inc, whose software has become the distributed systems management framework for the Open Software Foundation, for Unix International Inc and Sun Microsystems Inc, is back at it again. Having left Tivoli in capable hands, he’s kicked off another new Austin, Texas-based start-up, Atrium Technologies Inc. This one is doing a product called Dazel, due second quarter of 1993. The project is partially funded by some Fortune 500 companies, so development is in progress, but Fabbio is currently out looking for more money. Fabbio did his homework among large downsizing-bent companies, which gave him the idea for Dazel: exploit the need for managing information in the network environment and give them instantaneous links to facsimile, printers, voice and electronic mail. Dazel, which is based on a distributed client-server architecture, is aimed at MS-DOS and Unix systems, starting with Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstations.