Today is the first anniversary of the death of Tim Palmer, founding editor of Computergram International, who sadly died on 4th June 1997 at the age of 54 (CI No 3,175). Tim set up APT Data Plc (now ComputerWire Plc) in 1984 with ComputerWire chief executive Peter White, and Computergram International was born out of this partnership. In the year since his death, ComputerWire has brought the publication fully online, with the last paper copy printed in April this year. The company has also expanded its US operation, and now has five full time reporters in New York, three of whom work specifically on Computergram, and four in the San Francisco office, which is run by group editor John Abbott. Fortunately Tim Palmer influenced everyone who worked with him with his knowledge of, and enthusiasm for the IT industry, and while his immense knowledge and sense of humor are still sadly missed, his spirit lives on.